SWGoH: Gaming-fans.com asks What are your favorite and least favorite major Galaxy of Heroes events?

SWGoH - Padme Event

Gaming-fans.com has been interested in community feedback since before the site was even launched, eager to see how we can help improve Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes and other games we cover through our status as a trusted content creator. With the number of major events piling up in the game, and we define major events as Legendary events and Hero’s Journey events, we now have enough options available to start ranking these events from first to worst. While other SWGoH events could be included, we are looking to keep these two polls exclusive to the “major” events.

With the Padme event now more than a week behind us, emotions (positive or negative) should be more in check allowing for answers to more “real” so that we can gather more accurate data. Note that Gaming-fans.com status as a SWGoH GameChanger means that this poll will be seen by the developers at Capital Games, so we ask that you spread the word and take your answer very seriously.

We thank you for your time and encourage you to vote in the first of our polls, Which major event in SWGoH is your LEAST favorite?

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