Avatar PR Commander Profile: Nan’ti

Nanti - Avatar Pandora Rising

Described in-game with “Send Nan’ti to gather at any type of Gathering locations. She’s good at all of them,” she is a Gatherer for the Na’vi in Avatar: Pandora Rising. Nan’ti is the common gatherer you get early in the game and continues to have greater use later in the game thanks to the fact that she is a fast gatherer at all sites, making her a valuable and versatile Na’vi Commander.



Class: Gatherer
Rarity: Common
Commander Tags: N/A
Synergies: Arrow Storm
Commander Talents:

  • Gatherer – Gather Speed (+1% to +20%) at any Gathering site, Gather Skill (+10 to +65) at any Gathering site
  • Windwalker – Arrow Storm (+1 to +33), all Troops level (+1 to +25)
  • Scout – Travel Speed (+40% to +210%), all Towers level (+1 to +28)

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