Avatar PR Commander Profile: Kung

Kung - Avatar Pandora Rising

Described in-game with “Use Kung to defend your Base or reinforce your allies,” Kung is one of the first RDA Commanders you open in Avatar: Pandora Rising. A Defender in the Soldier Class, Kung is designed for defense of your base/village in the early stages of the game and her parallel Commander from the Na’vi is Vineya. She shares the Defender tag with just one other RDA commander – Casey.



Class: Soldier
Rarity: Common
Commander Tags: Defender
Synergies: Bunker, Field Barracks, Grenadier, RPG Infantry, RPG Squad, Trooper Squad
Commander Talents:

  • Sentry – Wall Tower (+5 to +45), Sentry Tower level (+5 to +35) when defending, Commander Tower level (+4 to +30) when defending
  • Blockhouse – Bunker (+1 to +12), Field Barracks (+1 to +12), Trooper Squad (+1 to +12)
  • Fortified – Grenadier (+1 to +12), RPG Infantry (+1 to +12), RPG Squad (+1 to +12)

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