Transformers Earth Wars: Character Profile – Drag Strip

Transformers Earth Wars: Character Profile and Analysis


Subject: Drag Strip

Faction: Decepticon

Subgroup: Stunticons

Function: Gunner

Range: Long

In-game Bio: For Drag Strip, winning is everything, and a more competitive soul you will never meet. Every tiny online moment is driven by his desire to come out on top, whether it’s racing, fighting or just trading insults, and the only thing he craves more than victory is to know he humbled or humiliated his rival in the process.
His fellow Stunticons can’t abide him, especially as he’s not above playing his underhand tricks on them.


Character Facts: Drag Strip is a braggart and obsessed with competition, especially in terms of winning. He’ll do just about anything to win, insisting the first one to cross the finishing line gets to live.

In Game Analysis:

Drag Strip has the usual typical gunner range, so he needs to hang back from danger and stay protected in order to be effectively utilized. He packs pretty good health, but that’s not an excuse to let him wander too far into the front.

Interesting to note, Drag Strip has the HIGHEST base attack of all the current gunners in the game, meaning with proper leveling, he’s a long distance force to be reckoned with as he’ll lay waste to things much faster.

Drag Strip’s ability is called Holo Assault! IT launches 5 holobombs shaped like Drag Strip’s dragster mode. The first hits the designated target, but the others hit other targets then your marked one. It does do double damage to resource buildings, so it’s usual for when others group those as a defensive wall, but other then that, it’s damage and spread have very limited use.

Overall, Drag Strip is a mixed bag. He’s got great stats, but without a really solid and helpful ability, I can’t honestly recommend him on your team. Use him at your discretion.


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