HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 1: RJT

Phase 1: RJT

There is only one team for Phase 1 of the raid: Rey (Jedi Training), RJT. No other team will effectively perform any damage and no other team should be use for Phase 1.

The RJT team is: RJT (zeta Lead), BB8 (zeta Roll), Res Trooper, Scav Rey, R2 or Holdo
Gear: Min is G12 RJT and G11 on the rest, preferably G12 on all, with second zeta on RJT’s Insight

  • RJT – Requires BB8*, Finn, Scav Rey, Vet Han, Vet Chewie
    • Finn either needs his zeta Lead or to be G10 to get through the RJT event
      • Farmed from LS Node and Cantina
      • If you need to finish the Vets, buy Finn shards from Shipments and farm through LS Node
    • Vet Han needs to be at least G8
      • Farmed from 16x Cantina
      • Be prepared for very poor drop rates
      • If Vet Han is currently less than 5*, will need to also buy his shards from Shipments
    • Vet Chewie needs to be at least G8, preferably G9 sway RNG in your favor
      • Farmed from 16x Cantina
      • Like Vet Han, prepare for very poor drop rates
      • If Vet Chewie is currently less than 5*, will need to buy his shards from Shipments
    • BB8 can be G7, but preferably G8 for the event; BB8 will need to be G12 for HSTR, so might as well gear him as high as possible
    • Scav Rey needs to be G9+; Scav Rey will need to G12 for HSTR, so might as well gear her as high as possible
    • Gear trench: Rough
      • 5 full Carbanti
      • 5 full MK6 syringes
      • 3 full Stun Guns
      • 2 full Stun Cuffs
      • 2 full MK8 Implant Salvage (Gold Balls)
      • 2 full MK8 Implant Component (Black Balls)
  • BB8 – Requires First Order from his event
  • Resistance Trooper
  • R2-D2
    • Requires Empire from his event; if you do not have 7* R2, HSTR is likely far out of reach for 6+ months
    • Gear Trench: Rough
    • Note: R2 does not need to have any zetas for the RJT team to function well
  • Scavenger Rey
    • LS and DS nodes at 12, 16, and 20x energy; also found in Guild Store
    • Save Guild currency to farm her quicker
    • Gear Trench: Nightmare
      • 6 full MK6 Syringes
      • 4 full Carbanti
      • 3 full MK8 Implant Salvage (Gold Balls)
      • 3 full MK8 Implant Component (Black Balls)
      • 3 full MK9 Implant Salvage
      • 3 full Stun Guns
      • 2 full MK10 Holo Lens Salvage
      • The bulk of the gear trench will be between G10 and G12
      • https://swgoh.gg/characters/rey-scavenger/gear-list/
    • Scav Rey’s zeta is not needed for success in HSTR

Next: Phase 2: Leia Spam, Sith, Troopers, and others

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