SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Primary and Secondary Stats

Primary and Secondary Stats

Mods of any shape, set, color, or level all have Primary Stats. A mod’s Primary Stat is fixed, and while the Primary can increase per Level and Quality, the stat itself cannot be changed. As discussed in the Mod Shapes Section, some primaries are only available on specific mod shapes.

The below table shows the available mod primary stats at both 5A and 6E Tiers:

Stat 5A 6E
Offense % 5.88% 8.50%
Defense % 11.75% 20%
Health % 5.88% 16%
Protection % 23.50% 24%
Speed 30 32
Accuracy % 12% 30%
Critical Avoidance % 24% 35%
Critical Damage % 36% 42%
Critical Chance % 12% 20%
Potency % 24% 30%
Tenacity % 24% 35%


Mod Secondary Stats, however, will appear and can change depending on the mod’s color and level. Any of the secondary stats can appear on any shape and have a very wide berth.

Mod Secondary Stat Max Increase Max 5A Max 6E
Critical Chance 2.25% 11.25% 11.70%
Defense 9 45 73
Defense % 1.70% 8.50% 19.89%
Health 428 2140 2696
Health % 1.13% 5.65% 10.51%
Offense 46 230 253
Offense % 0.56% 2.80% 8.46%
Potency 2.25% 11.25% 14.96%
Protection 830 4150 4607
Protection % 2.33% 11.65% 15.49%
Speed 6 30 31
Tenacity 2.25% 11.25% 14.96%

*Max secondary stats verified by and used with permission from /u/slimsk8r610 via his Reddit post.

Some secondaries are flat stats, like +750 Protection, while other secondaries are reflected as percentages, like +3.36% Protection. Both secondaries that add flat stats or percentages increase the total of the specific stat from its base.

Example, if a character with base Health at 10,000 gets a mod with +500 Health, that character’s total Health will be 10,500. If a character with base Health of 10,000 gets a mod with 5.88% Health, that character’s total Health will increase by 5.88% of the base (588) to 10,588.

One noted difference between primary and secondary stats is the maximum for each stat. Protection % stat can max at 23.5% Protection (5A) as a primary stat, but will only reach a max of 11.65% (5A) as a secondary stat. When mods are sliced from 5A to 6E (discussed further here), the maximums for both primary and secondary stats will both increase, making Sliced 6E mods highly valuable.

Next: Understanding Mod Stats

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Last Updated: 12/7/18