TFEW: Best Power Cores for Punch & Counterpunch

TFEW - Transformers Earth Wars

Welcome to the latest in our series of articles about the Transformers Earth Wars mobile game where we take a look at the best Power Cores for each TFEW bot. While our staff will never claim to have all of the answers for TFEW, we do our homework and test out each bot to ensure we are making only the best recommendations.

Punch, and his Decepticon version, Counterpunch, is a special class bots who can dodge projectiles from Mortars and Cannons in Transformers: Earth Wars. These two bots have a special ability, Covert Operations, that reads “You go undercover for 10 seconds and throw EMP grenades at defences dealing some damage per second and disabling them for _ seconds.” So which Power Cores are best to best enhance Punch & Counterpunch?


Best Power Core for Punch & Counterpunch:

Special Command/Force – Attack – With a very low Max Health and a good DPS that looks a lot like a gunner’s stats, this at least helps categorize the type of Power Cores that are most effective on Punch and Counterpunch. Since they are not bots that most have a 4-star version of, a simple Attack Core may be a good route if they are not high on your priority list and since Attack Cores are easy to acquire. However the Squad Cores in TFEW are designed to help enhance each bot class and come into play with Punch and Counterpunch with the Special Command/Force – Attack and the Special Command/Force – Flak Jacket. I would lean toward the Special Command/Force – Attack because of the Health gain and the attack increase given to all special class bots in the battle.

Other Cores: Attack Core



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