SWGoH: Unlocking Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker – Live Blog & Walkthrough

Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker

As I have done for every Legendary and Hero’s Journey event in the past two years, I will once again be live blogging my experiences from the new Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker event. However, unlike every other event of this type since Grand Admiral Thrown was released in June 2017, I will not be getting the prize at the max stars on Day One. I am simply not happy with the direction of SWGoH, the lack of communication by the developers, the inability to provide a Road Ahead to the community and the poor treatment of Content Creators who promote their game. I could go on with additional concerns, but in the interest in bot boring you I will move on to the live blog and walkthrough.

Below I will detail my roster of characters needed and then, once I have them geared up with proper minimum Relics, I will chronicle my experience fighting the event. All of this will, of course, take place on my personal account and I thank you in advance for your interest.

Finally, once you have unlocked JKLS, here is our best mods for Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker page for reference, but note that it is a work in progress as testing him will be key.

LJ, Director of Content


The Journey Continues Characters & Ships:

All Wampa character abilities are maxed except Furious Foe.

Tier I:

  • Wampa – 24,163 power, 7-stars, Relic 3, 6 Gold, 5-dot mods (CC & CD sets) – 93k health/protection, 235 speed, 49.78% CC, 216% CD, 6,165 damage


Tier I Battle #1 – To start, THANK YOU Capital Games. The cinematic style and graphics are fantastic. Credit where it is due! Now on to the battle…

My initial thought is that that Relic 3 with 5-dot mods is not going to be enough on this battle after testing this out a few times. I am also reviewing the best mods for Wampa in SWGoH page to ensure I have him where he needs to be as I often take lesser-used characters and throw mods on them to keep them somewhat viable. Either way, freshening up on Wampa’s mods is a good idea so I will look them over and use my roster’s best mods as well.


Tier I, Take 2:

  • Wampa – 24,457 power, 7-stars, Relic 3, 6 Gold, 6-dot mods (Offense & Potency sets) – 97k health/protection, 286 speed, 46.2% CC, 150% CD, 6,969 damage, 104.39% potency, 59.05% tenacity


Tier I Battle – Ok this battle is showing that it can be won with good RNG. Using Wampa’s abilities correctly is key IMO – Icebreaker to cleanse and gain Protection Up, and Furious Foe when available to gain the stacking Offense, etc. I was not impatient on the fight that won the battle at all – knowing that I could cleanse and gain Protection and then stack more Offense, I knew that the numbers were in my favor as the battle wore on. In the end patience won out.

All Commander Luke Skywalker character abilities are maxed. I moved two mods from my roster to strengthen CLS from how I normally use him, improving his Speed slightly and increasing Offense and Tenacity.

Tier II:

  • Commander Luke Skywalker – 30,831 power, 7-stars, Relic 4, 6 Gold, 6-dot mods (CC & CD sets) – 91k health/protection, 287 speed, 84.43% CC, 228% CD, 6,512 damage, 46.68% potency, 52,32% tenacity


Tier II Battle #1 – I worry that my Potency may not be high enough seeing that it is a recommendation, but here is what happens the first time through. This battle is like the battle before, only without the stacking Offense. Trying to keep the Wampa from taking turns and surviving the counter attacks is the key, so remove TM with the special and land Speed Down to reduce TM with the basic and the battle is not tough with the stats above.

All character abilities are maxed unless otherwise noted. I do NOT have Zetas on ROLO or CHOLO.

Tier III:

  • Rebel Officer Leia Organa (ROLO) – 21,387 power, 7-stars, Relic 3, 4 Gold, 6-dot mods & 2 5-dot mods (CC & CD sets) – 103k health/protection, 284 speed, 71.16% CC, 220.5% CD, 5,267 damage
  • Chewbacca – 27,760 power, 7-stars, Relic 3, 4 Gold, 6-dot mods & 2 5-dot mods (Health & Tenacity sets) – 119k health/protection, 260 speed, 67.53% CC, 192% CD, 6,686 damage
  • C-3PO – 29,419 power, 7-stars, Relic 4, 6 Gold, 6-dot mods (Health & Potency sets) – 156k health/protection, 274 speed, 114.22% potency
  • Captain Han Solo (CHOLO) – 21,342 power, 7-stars, Relic 3, 3 Gold, 6-dot mods & 3 5-dot mods (3 Health sets) – 114k health/protection, 252 speed, 57.15% CC, 154.5% CD, 3,647 damage


Tier III Battle #1 – I fought this through last night to practice with standard mods on each character and made it past the first wave (this battle has two waves of enemies), but Darth Vader got me in the end. What I am seeing so far is that this event is not (yet) requiring higher Relic levels for success, as long as maxed, high-end mods are used.

I am going to try this first with the same mods on C-3PO and Chewie given I use them in highly-competitive areas of the game. For ROLO, my standard CLS mods will be used and for CHOLO I am going to try this using Padme’s mods even though they are not the perfect fit I was looking for.

Wave 1 of enemies is not terribly difficult if you have good speed on your characters. Keeping the Stormtroopers from taunting is important, so landing a quick Confuse on one and dispelling the other with Chewie was effective for me. Other than that, landing a lot of Expose debuffs and using CHOLO to remove debuffs and heal or revive can be the difference.

You need to be at full strength in Wave 2 with all four characters alive and with solid health and hopefully some protection. The goal is to beat the enemies before Darth Vader’s countdown gets to zero. I targeted Veers first, but only after landing Confuse on the Stormtrooper. With the character stats above I was able to beat this with ease, leaving Vader with an 8 over his head.

All character abilities are maxed unless otherwise noted.

Tier IV:

  • Millennium Falcon – 78,962 power, all abilities maxed – Hen & Chewie are Relic 4
  • Wedge Antilles’ X-Wing – 47,708 power, all abilities maxed – Wedge is Gear 12+3, 3 gold, 1 purple, 2 blue mods


Tier IV Battle #1 – Keeping Wedge alive and keeping the taunt on the Y-Wing are the keys to this battle as I understand it coming in, so we will see if my Wedge is strong enough.

In battle I am just trying to survive with all ships to jump to hyperspace. Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced cannot be defeated, so I am attacking the other ships in an effort to keep hits off of Wedge. Once I get to 95%, just before the Capital Ship gets to take their turn, my Wedge is defeated by Vader and I am done.


Tier IV:

  • Millennium Falcon – 78,962 power, all abilities maxed – Hen & Chewie are Relic 4
  • Wedge Antilles’ X-Wing – 48,579 power, all abilities maxed – Wedge is Gear 12+3, 6 gold, 6-dot mods

Tier IV Battle #2 – Coming back for another attempt, I am worried that the slight upgrades by changing mods will not be enough. Grinding or buying gear for Wedge Antilles is a waste in today’s SWGoH given how they have structured this game, so I am hoping that several attempts will allow some good RNG to come my way.

My second time through I stopped using the Falcon’s Watch This special in an effort to allow it to get hit from time to time. I was able to get Wedge to jump to hyperspace, but the Y-Wing was killed before I could get all ships out of harm’s way.

The AI definitely targets Wedge, so keeping taunt on the Y-Wing is key. Earlier I stopped using the Falcon’s Watch This special in an effort to allow it to get hit from time to time. After a few times through I no longer believe this matters as the AI is targeting Wedge anyway.

Tier IV:

  • Millennium Falcon – 78,962 power, all abilities maxed – Hen & Chewie are Relic 4
  • Wedge Antilles’ X-Wing – 49,524 power, all abilities maxed – Wedge is Gear 12+5, 6 gold, 6-dot mods

Tier IV Battle #3 – While this was not my 3rd battle, it was my 3rd version of the battle. In total I fought maybe 15 times prior to upgrading Wedge to Gear 12+5 and just twice after doing so. The more I fought, the more I educated myself on the abilities, something I recommend we all do to start.

A few keys to this battle:

  1. Keep the Y-Wing taunting – this keeps the attacks off of Wedge
  2. Mixing the Falcon’s abilities is helpful – having Defense Penetration Up from the AoE is quite helpful
  3. Knock out the TIE Bomber ASAP to setup the battle – the sooner it is out of the way, the sooner you can remove all ships other than the TIE Advanced which limits the attacks on your ships.

All character abilities are maxed unless otherwise noted.

Tier V:

  • Commander Luke Skywalker – 30,741 power, 7-stars, Relic 4, 6-dot mods & 2 5-dot mods (CC & CD sets) – 92k health/protection, 284 speed, 83.95% CC, 222% CD, 6,458 damage, 43.71% potency, 45% tenacity
  • Hermit Yoda – 26,773 power, 7-stars, Relic 3, 4 Gold, 6-dot mods & 2 5-dot mods (Speed & Health sets) – 131k health/protection, 308 speed


Tier V Battle #1 – This battle has two waves of enemies, starting with an Imperial trio. I got Buff Immunity on the Stormtrooper early and Speed Down on the others, then used the basic to trade stuns on them as I worked them down on health. This worked well as I was able to win the battle without much trouble, keeping the trio in check as I knocked them off one by one.

The second wave is Commander Luke Skywalker against Darth Vader in the cave on Dagobah. The key to this battle is healing up when the time is right and just battling Vader wisely in the 1v1 battle. If you have strong Speed on CLS and good Offense you will be fine.

All character abilities are maxed unless otherwise noted.

Tier VI:

  • Rebel Officer Leia Organa (ROLO) – 21,387 power, 7-stars, Relic 3, 4 Gold, 6-dot mods & 2 5-dot mods (CC & CD sets) – 103k health/protection, 284 speed, 71.16% CC, 220.5% CD, 5,267 damage
  • Chewbacca – 27,760 power, 7-stars, Relic 3, 4 Gold, 6-dot mods & 2 5-dot mods (Health & Tenacity sets) – 119k health/protection, 260 speed, 67.53% CC, 192% CD, 6,686 damage
  • C-3PO – 29,419 power, 7-stars, Relic 4, 6 Gold, 6-dot mods (Health & Potency sets) – 156k health/protection, 274 speed, 114.22% potency
  • Lando Calrissian – 21,342 power, 7-stars, Relic 3, 6 Gold, 6-dot mods (CC & CD sets) – 87k health/protection, 254 speed, 82.63% CC, 226.5% CD, 4,903 damage


Tier VI Battle #1 – I am using Commander Luke’s mods on ROLO again while leaving Chewie and C-3PO’s standard mods on them. A refresher on Lando’s kit and upping his damage and CC/CD are the keys, and he has a very high base CC plus the unique, so I end up using the mods I use for RJT on him since I have her modded for high CC/CD and damage.

This battle has two waves of enemies, the first is three Stormtroopers and an Imperial Officer, all having bonus Protection. Lando’s AoE and Chewie/C-3PO’s new abilities are the key here as landing Blind on the enemies is quite helpful.

The second wave has Boba Fett, two Imperial Officers and two Stormtroopers to defeat. I lose Chewie on this battle early and the team falls apart, so I am going to make some small mod changes.


Tier VI:

  • Rebel Officer Leia Organa (ROLO) – 21,477 power, 7-stars, Relic 3, 6 Gold, 6-dot mods (CC & CD sets) – 102k health/protection, 290 speed, 70.51% CC, 226.5% CD, 5,313 damage
  • Chewbacca – 27,760 power, 7-stars, Relic 3, 4 Gold, 6 Gold, 6-dot mods (Health & Tenacity sets) – 121k health/protection, 274 speed, 65.59% CC, 192% CD, 6,675 damage
  • C-3PO – 29,419 power, 7-stars, Relic 4, 6 Gold, 6-dot mods (Health & Potency sets) – 156k health/protection, 274 speed, 114.22% potency
  • Lando Calrissian – 21,342 power, 7-stars, Relic 3, 6 Gold, 6-dot mods (CC & CD sets) – 87k health/protection, 254 speed, 82.63% CC, 226.5% CD, 4,903 damage


Tier VI Battle #2 – Mod adjustments to ROLO have upped her damage, speed and CD. Chewie is still modded to be a GAS counter from my previous guild’s recommendation, and in the interest in not screwing up my entire roster of mods, I am just updating two of his mods. This provides Chewie with more Health and Speed, and slight decreases in other areas. Not in love with this move, but we will see…

This battle was better, but still did not have the desired result. Chewie/C-3PO’s survivability is a problem, and given I do not have the standard CC/CD mods on Chewie this concerns me. Getting Chewie to kill the Imps with his AoE is important as he gets stacking Offense. Chewie landing the Blind debuff is absolutely critical.

I try again with the same setup and realize that this battle is definitely one that I can win with this lineup. Heading into the second wave with at least one kill by Chewie’s AoE is a nice boost, but RNG on landing the Blind debuff from Chewie and the Ability Block debuff from ROLO, mixed with Lando’s AoE damage, are how you beat this battle. In the end it came down to ROLO vs. Boba Fett for me and I was able to barely get the win to move on.

All character abilities are maxed unless otherwise noted.

Tier VII:

  • Commander Luke Skywalker – 30,831 power, 7-stars, Relic 4, 6-dot mods (CC & CD sets) – 92k health/protection, 290 speed, 83.95% CC, 228% CD, 6,494 damage, 50.59% potency, 45% tenacity


Tier VII Battle #1 – CLS vs. Darth Vader in the Carbon Freezing Chamber. Well done on the graphics and cinematic CG. The first wave is just Vader and with my stats above this is an easy battle. The second wave includes items being force thrown at Luke by Vader, which is cool, but you cannot ignore them. The Damage Over Time debuffs definitely play out here as they stack on CLS and make the end result much more difficult. Keeping the Speed Down debuff on Darth Vader is important to ensure you take the necessary turns to be able to defeat him.

Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker event SWGoHAll character abilities are maxed unless otherwise noted. For the record, the image inserted from this battle is as top-notch as anything I have ever seen in a mobile game. Well done CG, well done!

Tier VIII:

  • Darth Vader – 26,863 power, 7-stars, Relic 3, 6-dot mods (Potency & CD sets) – 100k health/protection, 252 speed, 59.74% CC, 222% CD, 5,177 damage, 103.25% potency, 47.32% tenacity


Tier VIII Battle #1 – Darth Vader facing CLS and using the Force Crush is the key as the Damage Over Time debuffs trigger the special event ability and boom – just like that is over! The final 60 shards of JKLS and a portrait are the reward.



Image Credit: EA Capital Games

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