The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Spirit Temple Walkthrough

TLOZ Tears of the Kingdom

The Legend of Zelda games have become an iconic and beloved franchise within the realm of video games. Since its debut in 1986, this fantasy-adventure series has captured the imaginations of millions of players worldwide. Developed by Nintendo, each installment follows the daring hero, Link, on a quest to rescue Princess Zelda and defeat the malevolent Ganon. With their rich storytelling, immersive worlds, and innovative gameplay mechanics, the Legend of Zelda games have earned a reputation for excellence and have left an indelible mark on the gaming industry. From the iconic music to the unforgettable characters, these games continue to captivate players, transcending generations and cementing their status as timeless classics.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was released in mid-May 2023 and continues the saga of Link as we look at the Water Temple.


The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Spirit Temple

You’ve saved four separate civilizations from their personalized scourges and now you have found yourself trailing the path of a fifth. You have successfully traveled through the Thunderhead Isles and find yourself in the depths, near the construct factory. It is just then that you decide to look up a guide to help you find your way. Well in that case, first go activate the lightroot behind your original arrival position, and prepare to go through the game’s 5th temple.


The Construct Factory

The first thing you will want to do is put the face that you’ve carried with you into the Construct Factory that you will no doubt be pointed to. After this, you will hear a short speech from this temple’s sage, and the four storage rooms nearby will light up. You must gather the parts from each of these and return them to the factory where you put the face. There is no discernible order for these parts, so gather them in any order you would like.

The southeast room is closely guarded by some strong bokoblins, so make sure to stay attentive. You wouldn’t want to take gloom damage down here. To get the left leg you must activate the Zonai apparatus, after which you will notice your entrance door closing and another door opening. Simply take the leg and put it on one of the elevators nearby. Once you activate the elevator make sure to remove the leg quickly so that it doesn’t fall back down. Once you are up to the next floor, push the crank until the platform is at a reasonable slope. I would then recommend putting the leg on a wing with a rocket to fly over to the next floor. After that, simply bring the leg back to the factory.

The east room is difficult to reach. There are many ways to reach it but I personally found it simple to ascend to the top of the Construct Factory and fly a wing all the way there. (Climbing the factory will also give you access to some good equipment and many poes.) Once you enter this building, grab the leg and take the nearby elevators to the next floor. Up here you will see a new rail system with hooks. To allow your cart to move, make it so that the hole in the hook passes through the supports. An easy way to do this is to put the leg on the right wall of the hook. After that simply put some propulsion on your new cart and ride it out of the room. After this, ride another elevator up to the next floor, where you will fly a wing (provided up another elevator which you cannot ride and must simply climb.) back to the Construct Factory.

The southwest part depot is not a very far walk, even having a very convenient natural ramp allowing entrance, but outside its gates are living trees and lots of gloom. Inside, obtain the arm and go through the impressive door to your left. After that, harvest the door for wheels and turn the arm into a car that can traverse the lava. After this you will see yet another challenge that calls for a different vehicle. For this puzzle I put two carts in place of wheels beneath the arm and added a fan at the back for propulsion. After this you are faced with the door mechanism from earlier. You could either fix the mechanism or hold the door open with Ultrahand and use Recall to get you and the arm under. The last step is to simply use the nearby resources to turn the arm into a boat that you can ride down the river.

The east house is high up and difficult to reach. Ascending to the top of the Construct Factory and using a wing to glide across is a quick and easy way to get there. Once inside, simply get the right arm and carry it up the wheels to an area with a large gap. Now it is important to note that you can be creative here. I personally put the arm on a wing and then used a balloon and flame emitter to fly to the other side. After that, put wheels on the arm and drive it back to the factory.

After you bring back all parts, Mineru will have a new body to help you with. The construct basically allows you to pilot a mech. You can fuse things to it like weapons and then use those in combat. Unfortunately piloting Mineru will also drain your battery, which is quite the shame.

After you have obtained Mineru and visited the armory, follow the light that was conveniently shown to you in the cutscene earlier. When you reach this next armory, attach something to yourself and then continue moving towards distant lights, the next one being on your right. At this point, simply follow the path to your right. It should lead you to the next armory. If you feel lost, head for the objective point. There will come a point when you are faced with a large wall of rocks. Fuse Mineru’s hand with a spiked metal ball and break through it. After that, go towards the light one more time. Once you reach the final armory, attach a rocket to Mineru’s back and use it to propel yourself up to the Spirit Temple. Interact with 


The Spirit Temple

Now that you are inside, go to the center and interact with the statue to begin the Spirit Temple. Once you step a little closer, you will enter a fight with the scourge of the Spirit Temple. To defeat this scourge you should hit it with a long range attack to stun it, and then hit it with many melee attacks to knock it into the barbed wire fence surrounding the arena. It’s a simple fight for phase 1. As soon as you knock it down to half health, it will begin phase 2 and the scourge will sprout two new arms. These new arms open up new attack opportunities for the construct, so its attack patterns change. Smash it around a few more times, and it will die.

You may be surprised to find that you have just finished the whole temple. The Spirit Temple itself may be surprisingly short, but that is because all of the puzzles were found while constructing Mineru. After all this, be ready for another long bit of exposition.



By Masonry
Guest Writer,

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