Homework vs. Gaming: Finding the Right Balance for Academic Success

The importance of managing different things well is the key to finding success in everything you take up as a student. Everything, whether academics or sports, extracurriculars or travel, plays a big role in shaping students for the future. Gaming is also a thing that helps students de-stress and also makes a great hobby to pursue.

The problem starts when there is too much time spent on gaming. When you start playing a game, whether it is Grand Theft Auto, Minecraft, Horizon: Zero Dawn, or Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, knowing where to stop is important. Overdoing gaming not only impacts academic results but could also turn into addiction. There have been several researches that show how detrimental gaming can be to your mental and physical health. Not doing homework on time or not preparing sufficiently for exams is not an ideal thing to do. Let’s discuss how you can strike the perfect balance between gaming and studies and be a winner in both things.

Homework vs. Gaming: Finding the Right Balance for Academic Success

Set a schedule

The importance of scheduling dedicated time slots is a determining factor in how well you manage your academic life. Prepare slots for both homework and gaming. For this, you can use planner apps or a scheduler. The idea is to remain ahead of time and do everything as per a set schedule. With a target on your mind, there’s almost no chance you will skip doing your homework at the cost of gaming.

Gaming should not be overdone. A healthy balance between playing your favorite games and doing assignments, preparing for exams, and attending lectures should be maintained. Any lapse on this part will lead to poor grades. There are times though when it’s important to stay tuned to gaming. Suppose an eSports tournament is coming up so you are bound to spend more time than usual on your favorite games. During this time, you might wonder can I pay to do my homework and focus on what’s more important right now. Yes, it’s possible. You can get the best results with the college online help from EduBirdie. It’s a known name among students looking for online help in crunch times. There’s every type of homework help available from pro writers and editors who know their subjects and various writing styles well.

Learn to prioritize tasks

Setting priorities as a college student requires strategic thinking. Be smart enough to understand that academics cannot be compromised. Doing homework first and then getting to Call of Duty or Mario Bros is a better decision than spending hours on games and then handling homework. See gaming as a reward for yourself for doing homework perfectly and on time.

Homework vs. Gaming: Finding the Right Balance for Academic Success

Identify your peak productivity times

Understand your focus pattern in detail. You need to know what time works best for you in terms of doing homework. Think about what suits you best – doing a difficult homework assignment first or an easy one first. The time of the day when you are not at your best could be used for easier homework and a gaming session. It entirely depends on your focus and attention level.

Set limits and boundaries

Gaming can easily pull you into a black hole. Whether it’s PUBG or GTA, you can end up spending many hours on it without even realizing it. There has to be a time for it. Use alarms or use some app to limit screen time – something that gives you reminders on your screen time. Based on that, tell yourself to end the gaming session. Involve yourself in doing anything that does not require you to sit in front of a screen. Read, write, revise, or solve puzzles – anything that you love.

Be social, communicate with real people

Gaming rooms are full of people who slowly become your best pals. That’s fine because there is nothing wrong with it. But you also need to realize that there is a real world outside where there are family and friends. Spend time with them and socialize as much as you can. Play with your pet, and siblings and go out with your friends whenever possible.


If not balanced well, academic life could lead to stress and even depression. This quickly translates into poor results in the classroom and exams. Gaming is something that students love as a fun activity. It helps them relax and recharge. The problem arises when you spend too much time on it while compromising the homework. Homework usually comes with tight deadlines so instead of pushing it further, learn to balance playing games and academics. This will deliver the desired results and help you succeed in your career.

Author’s Bio

Sylvester Greer covers a wide range of topics in his blogging – from gaming to AI and ML and sports to education. His unmatchable skills give him an edge over others in web content and academic writing gigs. He’s a fabulous writer with plenty of 5-star ratings which is a testament to his meticulous writing and professional approach.

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