Transformers Earth Wars Weekend Event Info: What Lies Beneath?!

Weekend Earth Wars Report: What Lies Beneath (Arctic Saga Part 3)

Good morning Cybertron! Hope your energon hasn’t frozen over yet cause we’re still out in the arctic chill for one more week after this! Here’s your weekend preview of the upcoming event for 12/23 – 12/25!

After last week, the Decepticons found a hiding spot in the arctic and tunneled into the fortress undetected by the Autobots. They continue from their as they head for the center of the fortress, but along the way they’ll come across the new Nano-Frost Crystals!

Thankfully this is once again a full alliance event, with a total of 100 possible prestige chances. This gives you a potential 100 crystals if you can work hard and fast enough! Nothing feels good like opening a huge bunch of crystals and seeing what’s inside. It’s a perfect setting for Christmas!

Here’s what’s on the prize board for the event!

1. 150 Spark – 100 Ice Fragments
2. 20 3 Star Shards – 220 Ice Fragments
3. 1 Nano-Frost MK 1 – 340 Ice Fragments
4. 50,000 Alloy – 460 Ice Fragments
5. 1 Nano-Frost MK 2 – 680 Ice Fragments
6. 1 Nano-Frost Crystal – 800 Ice Fragments

A short list, but with 100 chances to go through it, you can rack up a lot of stuff! A Nano-Frost Crystal is said to contain Nano-frost Battle Boosts, Energon, Spark, 3-Star Crystal Shards, 4-Star Crystal Shards, or Ore-13. So get out there, grab those crystals and keep breaking that ice!

You all be safe and have a very Merry Christmas!

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