TFEW: Best Power Cores for Wheeljack & Shockwave

TFEW - Transformers Earth Wars

Welcome to the latest in our series of articles about the Transformers Earth Wars mobile game where we take a look at the best Power Cores for each TFEW bot. While our staff will never claim to have all of the answers for TFEW, we do our homework and test out each bot to ensure we are making only the best recommendations.

Wheeljack and Shockwave are essentially clones of Ratchet and Hook in terms of healing and hit points. The benefit of these bots is that many times, you will need a second healer on your team and are lacking First Aid and Reflector. The different special ability, Combat Stimulants, can also be of use in helping your bots move faster through a base, which is important when you are being severely hindered by high HP defensive structures and walls. So which core is the best on these bots?


Best Power Core for Wheeljack & Shockwave:

Best Core: G1 Wheeljack & G1 Shockwave – You have Wheeljack and Shockwave on your team for one critical reason. They heal your frontline bots. For almost all of the healers, the Ray Booster or their G1 core will be your go-to core to equip as it helps them do this essential job more efficiently. There is no difference in the healing ability between these two cores, so go with whichever is ranked higher. Although the 10% attack speed boost for the healed bot is nice and is why it is ranked higher, regard it as a nice bonus rather than a game changer as it’s not a controllable feature.

Optional Core: Ray Booster

G1 Power Core – The G1 Wheeljack Power Core, at Level 1 (Silver) “increases power of your heal beam by 4% and gives the bot you’re healing a 10% attack speed boost.”


By LastRaven Staff Writer

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