TFEW: Best Power Cores for Laser Optimus & Armada Megatron

TFEW - Transformers Earth Wars

Welcome to the latest in our series of articles about the Transformers Earth Wars mobile game where we take a look at the best Power Cores for each Transformers Earth Wars bot. While our staff will never claim to have all of the answers for TFEW, we do our homework and test out each bot to ensure we are making only the best recommendations.

Laser Optimus and Armada Megatron are special class bots with relatively high DPS / HP ratio. Most often you will find these bots on the defensive because their ability is quite expensive and the ricochets from the disks are not particularly directional. As such, it’s very important to have the right bots or use it very situationally if you’re on the attack. So, which core works well for these behemoth bots?


Best Power Core for Laser Optimus & Armada Megatron:

Best Core: Vitality Core – One of the great things about Laser Optimus and Armada Megatron is that do take a beating with having relatively high DPS as well. Therefore, it’s often better to enhance their “tank like” nature with the Vitality Core. Since they will not be rushing in to battle, they do have time to heal up as they lumber into battle. Unfortunately, the other cores outside of the Attack Core would not benefit them as much due to their class and use cases.

Other Power Core Options: Attack Core


By LastRaven Staff Writer

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