TFEW: Best Bots for the Prima Prime Core

TFEW - Transformers Earth Wars

Prima Prime Core

The Prima Prime Core is one of 12 Prime Cores in Transformers Earth Wars which offers the Power of the Primes to enhance the equipped bot’s abilities. Each bot is able to equip a single Power Core to enhance their abilities, with the 12 Prime Cores qualifying as the best of the Power Cores in the game. TFEW allows players to open a Prime Core from gathering 5,000 Prime Core Chips which are earned from a variety of weekend events.

Prima Prime CoreStarting at Level 1 it reads “Enemies hit by your basic attacks take extra damage from all sources for 5 seconds,” with the % damage stat increasing based on the level of the Prime Core.

Level 1 – Enemies hit by your basic attacks take 6% extra damage from all sources for 5 seconds
Level 5 – Enemies hit by your basic attacks take 10% extra damage from all sources for 5 seconds
Level 10 – Enemies hit by your basic attacks take 15% extra damage from all sources for 5 seconds
Level 15 – Enemies hit by your basic attacks take 20% extra damage from all sources for 5 seconds
Level 20 – Enemies hit by your basic attacks take 25% extra damage from all sources for 5 seconds


Understanding the Prima Prime Core

So who are the best bots for the Prima Prime Core? Whatever enemy (defensive structure or outpost bot) the Prima attached bot targets with basic attacks inherits a percentage increase in damage received from all sources for 5 seconds. There is less objective truth and more subjective interpretation to which power core is best on what bot. A lot of it is philosophical due to the number of bots, the star version of the bot, the number of power cores, the ability level, team composition which is something I do not speak to hear. With that said, there is little interpretation or discussion to which bot(s) Prima is most effective. It comes down to only two bots: Onslaught/Sky Burst and Octopunch/Seaspray. End of story. Yes, you can run Prima on any bot and find it effective. However, if you want to maximize the Prima effect for the benefit of the entire team, Onslaught/Sky Burst and Octopunch/Seaspray are the answer. To reemphasize…any defensive structure or outpost bot the Prima attached bot targets with basic attacks inherits a percentage increase in damage received from all sources.

So why Onslaught/Skyburst and Octopunch/Seaspray? Their basic attacks are arguably the best in the game due to the wide AOE (area of exposure). In the screenshot above you can visually see Onslaught’s (due to the Prima symbol above the various defenses) basic attack AOE. All of those targets are can now receive increased damage from all sources including your team with Prima attached. With Onslaught/Skyburst softening (creating greater damage potential) the defenses, it allows the team to destroy those defenses quicker and progress through the battle. Octopunch/Seaspray have a similar but smaller AOE basic attacks but can produce similar Prima enhancement. While you can attach Prima to anyone and find the benefits, within a team scenario, Prima on Onslaught/Sky Burst and Octopunch/Seaspray maximize Prima’s potential.

Of note, it is not recommended to attach Prima to an outpost bot due to the possibility of an attacking bot hacking the Prima attached bot with Liege Maximo which could be disastrous for the base. Additionally, the Prima effect does not work on the HQ.


Best bots for the Prima Prime Core

Onslaught/Skyburst are good options because their basic attacks hit multiple targets and other gunners like Octopunch/Seaspray are also suitable, but with the addition of COMBAT bots to Transformers: Earth Wars has changed this strategy and how we look at the Prima Prime Core. Tracks & Cutthroat are valuable and unique bots that have similar DPS to high-level gunners with significantly better health stats.


By b0dhi74 of the Scorched Earth family
Updated 05.20 by LJ, Director of Content

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