SWGoH: Best Mods for Greef Karga

SWGoH - Greef Karga

Welcome to the latest article in our series about the popular game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where we take a look at the best mods for each SWGoH character. While I do not claim to have all of the answers in this game, I do my research and have used every character I write about extensively. These are mod recommendations and they are certainly not the only option. However we look to help players maximize their characters in SWGoH and we are always open to feedback if you have a mod setup that works well of your gameplay.

SWGoH - Greef KargaToday’s character to review mods for will be Greef Karga, the leader of the Bounty Hunters’ Guild in The Mandalorian TV series on Disney+. Added to SWGoH in April 2020 in a Marquee event sandwiched between Cara Dune and The Mandalorian, Greef Karga has the most impressive kit of the three in my opinion which caused me to get him to 7-stars and Gear 12 immediately. Let’s take a look at the best mods to maximize Greef Karga’s kit in Galaxy of Heroes.

Main Focus: Speed. With a max Speed of 172 Greef Karga is in the Top 25% of all characters in SWGoH, so bolster this stat to ensure this support character does his job to enhance his Bounty Hunter allies. Unlike Cara Dune, where I do not suggest the use of a set of four Speed mods, I am recommending a Speed set on Greef Karga as my studying of his kit has me VERY excited to add him to my roster.

Additional Areas to Focus: Survivability in the forms of Health and Protection as well as Tenacity and Potency. Since Greef Karga’s offensive stats are some of the lowest in the Bounty Hunter faction, steer clear of these stats with your mods and save those mods for attackers. Greef needs big Speed, strong survivability of all kinds, added Tenacity to ensure he can use his special attacks and maybe some added Potency for his basic attack to land Daze more frequently. On the survivability side, both Health and Protection are wise to bolster as both are impacted by his kit, and Greef Karga’s Relic upgrade includes a nice Health bump and added Health Steal.

In-game Mod Recommendations: Speed & Health. Before Karga was in-game and I wrote my first draft of this article I stated “No matter what the in-game recommendations may be, I am going with a Speed set and a Health set for Greef Karga, but I may adjust that as more testing takes place.” Now that I have Greef Karga added to my roster I find that the devs are recommending Speed and Health – go figure.

Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Greef Karga:

The “ideal mod setup” can be interpreted a few different ways, but as I mentioned above I am suggesting a set of four Speed mods and a set of two Health mods. Here are my recommendations for mods on Greef Karga in SWGoH:

  • Transmitter (Square) – Speed mod with offense primary and a secondary focus on speed, health, defense and protection
  • Receiver (Arrow) – Health mod with speed primary and a secondary focus on health, protection, defense and critical chance or tenacity
  • Processor (Diamond) – Speed mod with defense primary and a secondary focus on speed, health, defense and protection or critical chance
  • Holo-Array (Triangle) – Speed mod with health or protection primary and a secondary focus on speed, health, defense and protection
  • Data-Bus (Circle) – Speed mod with protection primary and a secondary focus on speed, health, defense and protection
  • Multiplexer (Plus) – Health mod with protection, health or defense primary and a secondary focus on speed, health, defense and protection or critical chance

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