SWGoH: Best Mods for Captain Rex

Captain Rex - SWGoH

Welcome to the best mods for Captain Rex – the latest article in our series about the popular game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where we take a look at the best mod sets & stats for each SWGoH character. While I do not claim to have all of the answers in this game, I do my research and have used every character I write about extensively. These are mod recommendations and they are certainly not the only option. However we look to help players maximize their characters in SWGoH and we are always open to feedback if you have a mod setup that works well of your gameplay.

Captain Rex - SWGoHToday’s character to review mods for will be Captain Rex – the Phoenix faction’s (hopeful) savior. The former Captain from the Clone Wars who fought alongside General Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex joined up with the members of the Phoenix Squadron in Star Wars Rebels and will not be the major lifter unit in Galaxy of Heroes.

Main Focus: Captain Rex has a strong base Speed of 173, but his unique adds another 25 Speed to put him at 198. To be clear, this means a set of Speed mods on Captain Rex would add +10% Speed to the 173 base Speed, giving you +17 and NOT to be factored into the 198 after the unique is added in as that would come after the mods are tallied up. Either way this does not change how I look at Captain Rex in a Phoenix or Clone Trooper lineup as a Speed set feels like the best way to go to get him and his team rolling.

Additional Areas to Focus: Potency, Critical Chance, Critical Damage & survivability in the forms of Health and Protection. Captain Rex has the ability to inflict multiple debuffs (negative status effects) on enemies including Tenacity Down, Daze, Stun and Offense Down. Critical hits are key to his kit, so when you can enhance CC and CD be sure to do so. Captain Rex has a solid Max Health stat at over 41k Health, but he gains +40% Max Health through his unique which adds more than 16k to boost him to over 57k Health. His Max Protection stat was a surprise at over 62k – tied for the 8th highest in the game, so enhancing both stats is wise to keep him alive.

In-game Mod Recommendations: Speed & Potency. No disagreement here – everything we mentioned above fits this recommendation by the devs. This is one of my favorite parts of this game – assessing these characters for mods and then seeing what the devs say. We’re all on the same page.


Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Captain Rex:

Captain Rex will be a strong character and will be vital to making Phoenix characters relevant in SWGoH, the real question is just how relevant they will become outside of the Rise of the Empire Territory Battle. As I look at Captain Rex’s stats and kit, I recommend the following mod approach:

  • Transmitter (Square) – Speed mod with a primary focus on offense and a secondary focus on speed, health, critical chance and protection or potency
  • Receiver (Arrow) – Potency mod with a primary focus on speed and a secondary focus on potency, health, critical chance and protection
  • Processor (Diamond) – Speed mod with a primary focus on defense and a secondary focus on speed, health, critical chance and protection or potency
  • Holo-Array (Triangle) – Speed mod with a primary focus on health, protection, critical chance or critical damage and a secondary focus on speed, health, critical chance and protection
  • Data-Bus (Circle) – Speed mod with a primary focus on health or protection and a secondary focus on speed, health, critical chance and protection or potency
  • Multiplexer (Plus) – Potency mod with a primary focus on potency and a secondary focus on speed, health, critical chance and protection


Image Credits: SWGOH.gg & EA Capital Games

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