The Legend of Zelda games have become an iconic and beloved franchise within the realm of video games. Since its debut in 1986, this fantasy-adventure series has captured the imaginations of millions of players worldwide. Developed by Nintendo, each installment follows the daring hero, Link, on a quest to rescue Princess Zelda and defeat the malevolent Ganon. With their rich storytelling, immersive worlds, and innovative gameplay mechanics, the Legend of Zelda games have earned a reputation for excellence and have left an indelible mark on the gaming industry. From the iconic music to the unforgettable characters, these games continue to captivate players, transcending generations and cementing their status as timeless classics.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was released in mid-May 2023 and continues the saga of Link as we provide walkthroughs and tips for the game below.
- TLOZ: Tears of the Kingdom – Shrine Secrets
- TLOZ: Tears of the Kingdom – Koroks
- TLOZ: Tears of the Kingdom – Lurelin Pirates walkthrough
- TLOZ: Tears of the Kingdom – Plateau Goddess Quest
- TLOZ: Tears of the Kingdom – Wind Temple walkthrough
- TLOZ: Tears of the Kingdom – Lightning Temple walkthrough
- TLOZ: Tears of the Kingdom – Fire Temple walkthrough
- TLOZ: Tears of the Kingdom – Water Temple walkthrough
- TLOZ: Tears of the Kingdom – Lost Woods walkthrough