Best Avatar PR Commanders: Spinecone Gathering

Spinecone - Avatar Pandora Rising

Since the site launched, has looked to educate gamers about games that our writers love to play. Over the past few years we have been able to expand from just a single game to several different mobile games including Avatar: Pandora Rising, after getting to preview APR at FoxNext Games in Los Angeles in September 2019. Below we take a look at our Best Avatar PR Commanders series where we break down the different commanders and resources in hopes that the data and our advice will help your gameplay in Avatar: Pandora Rising.

Spinecone is a resource in Avatar: Pandora Rising that is important to the Na’vi. The gathering of Spinecone, whether from a Rally or an individual commander on their own, provides the Spincone Needles needed to make the Spine Shield which is important in early gameplay. As your game progresses, Spinecone Needles are one of two ingredients in War Paint which is essential in leveling up your troops for higher levels of competition.

Spinecone can be acquired by any commander in Avatar: Pandora Rising who has the Gatherer tag, however two commanders specialize in Spinecone – Alira and Ukawla. So who is the best Na’vi Commander to gather Spinecone? Let’s look at their stats.

Nan’ti – Nan’ti started the BETA testing as an early open, jack-of-all-trades gatherer who was rather low in value after the first few months of play. However, as the game progressed, the need for a quick gatherer becomes greater. Her biggest weakness is a lack of solid defense – you have to level her up significantly and her key troop – Aroos Storm – is seen as lower value to upgrade as well.

Alira – Alira is the early open commander in APR who is labeled as Uncommon. Her Gather Speed at Spincone Thicket sites ranges from +3% to +22% with her Spinecone Gather Skill at +15 to +90. On defense Alira adds levels to to all Troops (+2 to +26) when defending while boosting Towers (+2 to +30) and the Paradise Needler (+2 to +34) nicely.

Ukawla – Ukawla is an Rare commander who gathers Spinecone ranging from +5% to +30%. On defense Ukawla adds to all Towers and while she also gives the Titanothere a solid level boost (+3 to +38), and an update in December 2019 also added a boost to All Troops (+3 to +28) for Ukawla which made her defense much more viable.


So we ask again, who is the best Na’vi Commander to gather Spinecone?

Ukawla - Avatar Pandora RisingFoxNext made updates to the game in November and December 2019 that made this much easier to decide than before in the BETA testing where it has been back and forth. Those updates added an All Troops defensive bonus to Ukawla which was needed to stay ahead of Alira. With Alira boosting all Troops a small amount she remains a solid gatherer of Spinecone and a safe character to upgrade extensively, but for late game players Ukawla scales better. As one of the strong Rare characters available, I expect FoxNext will continue to ensure that Ukawla remains one of the best Na’vi Commanders in Avatar: Pandora Rising, so I give her the nod based on the better Spinecone gathering stats and improved defense at those sites.


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