Avatar PR Commander Profile: Kiralu

Kiralu - Avatar Pandora Rising

Described in-game with “Send Kiralu to gather at Obsidian Crags. He combat boosts make her a strong guard for Obsidian Crag sites.” The youngest daughter of Sturmbeest hunter Entok, Kiralu is a Rare gatherer of Obsidian who began as a gatherer of Cycad until the December 2019 update. Now a gatherer of Obsidian, she shares this specialty with two other Na’vi Commanders – Ralun and Mo’at. Because of the multiple commanders gathering this important resource, we break down the best Obsidian gatherers in APR here on Gaming-fans.com.



Class: Gatherer
Rarity: Rare
Commander Tags: Obsidian, Safeguard
Synergies: Blastbulb, Fire Thrower, Paradise Needler
Commander Talents:

From September through late-December 2019:

  • Lifewinder – Finds bonus Cycad Seeds at solo Cycad Bog, Gather Speed (+8% to +35%) at solo Cycad Bog, Gather Skill (+30 to +130) at solo Cycad Bog
  • Bog Defender – Sentry Tower level (+6 to +40), Commander Tower level (+8 to +50), Paradise Needler level (+8 to +50)
  • Cycad Dreamer – Finds bonus Cycad Seeds at Cycad Rally Sites, Gather Speed (+15% to +35%) at Cycad Rally sites, Gather Skill (+55 to +130) at Cycad Rally sites

After the late December 2019 update:

  • Pacifism – Finds bonus Obsidian shards at solo Obsidian Crags, Gather Speed (+4% to +26%) at solo Obsidian Crags, Gather Skill (+15 top +90) at solo Obsidian Crags
  • Spindler – All Troops level (+3 to +28) at any Obsidian Crags, all Towers level (+3 to +42) at any Obsidian Crags
  • Crag Dreamer – Blastbulb level (+3 to +28) at any Obsidian Crags, Paradise Needler (+3 to +28) at any Obsidian Crags, Fire Thrower (+3 to +28) at any Obsidian Crags

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