SWGoH: Unlocking Sith Eternal Emperor – Live Blog & Walkthrough Guide

Sith Eternal Emperor - Galactic Legend

The second round of Galactic Legend events in SWGoH is here, and unlike the months the community had to prepare for the first round, we had just a few short weeks to prepare for October 7, 2020, when players were allowed to start working toward opening the new Galactic Legend versions of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Sith Eternal Emperor. While I was able to fight the event for Jedi Master Luke within minutes of the game’s update, I am beginning my journey to unlock Galactic Legend Sith Eternal Emperor exactly 2 months later, beginning on December 7, 2020.

SWGoH - Galactic Legend Sith Eternal EmperorBelow I will be live blogging and giving a guide to my experience with the Galactic Legend event. While I have not avoided videos and opinions of others on this Galactic Legend event, I am hopeful that I can add Sith Eternal Emperor to the roster as efficiently as possible.

Below is my walkthrough/live blog guide of the journey to unlock Sith Eternal Emperor. I hope you enjoy and can learn from this. I also have added links to some of my favorite (former) GameChangers and their videos below.


Tier I Sith Characters Used:

  • Darth Sidious – Relic 7 – 29,380 power – 335 speed, 67k health, 36k protection, 7,317 damage, 87.01% CC, 205.5% CD – Six 6-dot mods (Speed & Potency sets), all abilities maxed


12.07.20 – I added a Zeta on Darth Sidious this morning while researching what others recommend, and the value of the Potency turning into Max Health and the extra Turn Meter gain chance are well worth it based on what others are saying.

The Final Order – Tier I

Tier I can be fought 8 times with rewards of 10 shards of Sith Eternal Emperor each time, thus 80 shards can be obtained from this first Tier.

Attempt #1 – Facing 4 Jedi enemies to start – Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto, Mace Windu and Saesee Tiin – my Sidious takes the first turn with his AoE and then the strategy is to take out everyone except Mace Windu, who cannot be defeated. After landing the Damage Over Time and Expose debuffs, removing those weaker Jedi quickly is where you want to be. Note that Agen Kolar is a healer, so the basic attack of Sidious can land Healing Immunity, but it seems wise to take Kolar out first. Each win gets you 10 shards of Sith Eternal Emperor.


Early Thoughts – Tier I: While I see where RNG can play a significant role in this Tier, having the awesome mods is going to make your chances for success much, much higher. I like the cinematics of the scene from EA Capital Games. Well done on this CG.

The Final Order – Tier II

Tier II can be fought 4 times with rewards of 25 shards of Sith Eternal Emperor each time, thus 100 shards can be obtained from this second Tier which will get the player to a max of 180 shards after completing the max attempts on Tiers I and II.

Tier II (Future) Sith Characters Used:

  • Jedi Knight Anakin – Relic 7 – 29,413 power – 303 speed, 76k health, 46k protection, 7,103 damage, 75.18% CC, 192% CD – Six 6-dot mods (Speed & Potency sets), all abilities maxed


Attempt #1 – Facing Mace Windu to start, I start with the AoE attacks to get Offense and Critical Chance Up, which Windu quickly dispels. His turns Expose me each time, which is annoying, but nothing more as I finish him on my 4th or 5th attack each time. I never got past a 5th attack, but the two times I made it that far I was in yellow health, so having the Offense and CC/CD to finish Windu quickly is key.

The Final Order – Tier III

Tier III can be fought 3 times with rewards of 50 shards of Sith Eternal Emperor each time, thus 150 shards can be obtained from this second Tier which will get the player to the needed 330 shards after completing the max attempts on Tiers I, II and III.

Tier III Sith Characters Used:

  • Emperor Palpatine – Relic 7 – 32,328 power – 275 speed, 56k health, 39k protection, 5,337 damage, 10,511 Special Damage, 100.35% Potency – Six 6-dot mods (Speed & Potency sets), all abilities maxed
  • Darth Vader – Relic 7 – 35,308 power – 263 speed, 62k health, 53k protection, 7,385 damage, 74.84% Potency, 222% Critical Damage – Six 6-dot mods (Critical Damage & Potency sets), all abilities maxed


Attempt #1 –

Tier 1 – Facing Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, I start with Darth Vader and use his Merciless ability first then the AoE to land Damage Over Time. From there I use only the basic throughout and find that Jedi Luke is able to resist it the first time and land the Vulnerable debuff on Vader. At this point, landing Ability Block is the key, and since this is not Potency-driven for this battle, it turns into a RNG-fest, and my first attempt does not follow along despite constantly using the basic.


Attempt #2 – 

While I did not change anything for my second attempt and I did win, the one difference I found was that if the AoE is available while Luke already has Ability Block, using the AoE to land more DoTs seems to be the best move.

Tier 2 – Now using Emperor Palpatine against Luke, using the AoE first to gain Offense Up and then following it with basics to land Shock works quite well, netting me a victory in the one time I made it this far.


Attempts #3 & 4 – 

I changed out Darth Vader’s plus mod from a primary focus on Offense (+8.5%) to Potency (+30%) to see if this would make the battle with Luke a bit easier, and I feel it did. This put his Potency at just over 100% and dropped his Damage by about 500, but he was able to better land both Speed Down and Damage Over Time debuffs. The extra DoTs were not that important, but the Speed Down helped me work in an extra attack both times as I found beating Luke was much easier.

The Final Order – Tiers IV & V

Tier IV and Tier V are a waste of time, but necessary to move on… Honestly I hate this part of the Galactic Legends content more than most anything else in this game…

Tier IV Sith Characters Used:

  • Sith Eternal Emperor – Gear 13 + 5 pieces – 27,817 power – 523 speed, 94k health, 49k protection – Six 6-dot mods (Speed & Health sets), 4 Zetas (not on Leadership or Galactic Legend unique)
  • Darth Vader – Relic 7 – 35,308 power – 263 speed, 62k health, 53k protection, 7,385 damage, 74.84% Potency, 222% Critical Damage – Six 6-dot mods (Critical Damage & Potency sets), all abilities maxed
  • Count Dooku – Relic 6 – 28,267 power – 339 speed, 62k health, 31k protection, 141.55% Potency – Six 6-dot mods (Speed & Potency sets), all abilities maxed


Successful Attempt – I will start by saying that I suggest you do not attempt this until you get Sith Eternal Emperor to Gear 12 or Gear 13 first and have most of the Zetas. In my (successful) example above the difference was gear on SEE as I had the same Zetas throughout.

On to the battle, the key for me after reviewing other materials was of course first to link the two, then trying to land Stun on Rey and Ability Block on either when possible. Count Dooku has huge Speed and Potency and his abilities worked well for me in battle. I did take a big hit from Rey which knocked Dooku to yellow health, but Dooku’s basic ended up stunning Rey and Sith Eternal Emperor’s Power! Unlimited Power! special after using his Ultimate, targeted Ben Solo, killing him in Tier IV and then Vader threw his lightsaber to kill Rey. In Tier V it took another hit or two but the setup and result were the same.

The Final Order – Tier VI

Tier VI Sith Characters Used:

  • Sith Eternal Emperor – Relic 2 – 32,632 power – 520 speed, 123k health, 49k protection – Six 6-dot mods (Speed & Health sets), 5 Zetas (not on Galactic Legend unique)
  • Darth Vader – Relic 7 – 35,308 power – 263 speed, 62k health, 53k protection, 7,385 damage, 74.84% Potency, 222% Critical Damage – Six 6-dot mods (Critical Damage & Potency sets), all abilities maxed
  • Count Dooku – Relic 6 – 28,267 power – 331 speed, 59k health, 29k protection, 149.81% Potency – Six 6-dot mods (Speed & Potency sets), all abilities maxed


The keys are 1) Link them two Jedi, 2) Get Ability Block/Stun on both and 3) Use SEE’s ultimate and then crush the Jedi.

Attempt #1 – Linking Rey, then Ben, the Jedi attack and my counters already have place Ability Block on Ben Solo. Dooku is up next and lands an Ability Block on Rey as well. Having the Stun or Ability Block on her is critical to your success. You can survive if it does not land, but the battle is far more difficult and you stand to lose a character. Once you get to Vader’s turn go into Merciless Massacre, add the Damage Over Time (DoT) with the Force Crush ability, but save the Culling Blade saber throw for later and finish Merciless Massacre with basics. Next up should be Sith Eternal Emperor with his ultimate ability open, so use it. Use Power! Unlimited Power! to hit the linked enemies hard and then finish them off, usually having the Culling Blade special to kill Rey.

While I ran into better and worse RNG in my attempts, only twice in my 10 attempts did I even see a character get hit enough to worry a little. Following this to a tee worked well as I was able to get the ultimate added to SEE with a perfect 10 for 10 score.

Unlocking Sith Eternal Emperor Video Resources:

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