SWGoH: Starkiller – Omicron Priority List

Starkiller - SWGoH

The prize of his Legacy Event entitled The Force Unleashed, Starkiller parallels Boba Fett, Scion of Jango in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. While the new Boba Fett is designed to be a Territory Wars monster, Starkiller’s focus is on the Grand Arena Championships as seen by his three Omicron upgrades that all are specific to the GAC. We have already reviewed the best mods for Starkiller in SWGoH, and just like our Boba Fett, Scion of Jango Omicron priority list, today we will review the same for Starkiller to help you navigate this complex game that is Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. The Omicron upgrades for Starkiller are attached to the following three abilities:

  • Boundless Force Throw (Special) – Omicron text adds: “While in Grand Arenas: While Unleashed, dispel all debuffs on all allies, and the Buff Immunity and Healing Immunity can’t be copied, dispelled, or resisted.”
  • Force Repulse (Special) – Omicron text adds: “While in Grand Arenas: Dispel all buffs on all enemies.”
  • There is Much Conflict in You (Unique) – Omicron text adds: “While in Grand Arenas: If the conditions for this ability were met at the start of battle, all of the following bonuses are also gained:
    – At the start of battle, Jedi Tank allies Taunt for 1 turn
    -housing All allies have +35 Speed
    – Debuffed enemies deal 50% less damage
    – Whenever a Sith ally uses a Basic ability, Starkiller assists, dealing 20% less damage
    – Whenever another Dark Side Unaligned Force User uses a Special ability, all allies gain Critical Hit Immunity for 1 turn
    – Whenever Starkiller uses a Special ability, Light Side Healer allies have their cooldowns reduced by 4, and Jedi Tank allies gain Damage Immunity and Taunt for 1 turn”


Which Omicron do I place on Starkiller first?

Of course this depends on how you plan to use him. For example the decision for me is straightforward as I have just one single Omicron to place on him right away. However, here is what I am doing.

The There is Much Conflict in You unique has a lot of text and, while you have to meet specific conditions to get it all to work on your behalf, I feel like this is not that hard with a little bit of planning. This is the Omicron I am placing on Starkiller right away, as I plan to use him in the GAC on defense this first time around and see what I think.

The Force Repulse Omicron is second on my list as anytime you can remove all buffs from all enemies that is going to benefit your gameplay. Finally, the reason I have Boundless Force Throw last on this list is the fact that conditions that can be different in each battle need to be met to make this viable. As a result I will wait on this one and place it 3rd on the list.


So there you have, my priority list for Starkiller. Disagree? Tell me what you think in the comments or Tweet us @GamingFansDFN and tell me why you agree or disagree.


Photo Credit: EA Capital Games

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