SWGoH: Best Mods for Jabba the Hutt

Jabba the Hutt - SWGoH

Welcome to the best mods for Jabba the Hutt, the latest article in our series about the popular game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where we take a look at how to best use mods for SWGoH characters. While I do not claim to have all of the answers in this game, I do my research and have used every character I write about extensively. These are mod recommendations based on the character’s kit and actual gameplay to help you in your quest to dominate the Galaxy of Heroes holotables.

Jabba the Hutt - SWGoHToday’s character to review mods for will be for Jabba the Hutt, the 7th Galactic Legend character in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Released in September 2022, Jabba the Hutt is a Dark Side, Support, Galactic Legend and Leader, and a member of Bounty Hunter, Smuggler and Hutt Cartel factions. Our walkthrough guide to unlock Jabba the Hutt will be posted on the site soon, so let’s take a look at which mods will best enhance his kit for SWGoH success.

Main Focus: Speed. Speed is a must on 95% of the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes collection, and given the high Speed stats for Galactic Legends and the fact that Jabba the Hutt has an insta-kill Ultimate attack, speeding him up is the logical choice. All Galactic Legend characters in SWGoH have base Speeds ranging from 365-398, while the fastest non-GL character in the game is at 198, so the 10% boost from a set of four Speed mods is far greater for these elite characters. Jabba the Hutt may be tied for the slowest GL at 365 Speed, but a +36 Speed from a set of four Speed mods is hard to pass up.

Additional Areas to Focus: Potency, survivability in the form of Health, Tenacity and more survivability. Potency will help land debuffs as always, and given his ability to land Blind, Speed Down and add Thermal Detonators to enemies, Potency is going to be critical to his kit. Even more important than Potency, however, is Health. All Galactic Legend characters in SWGoH have +10% Max Health and Protection per Relic level, but he also grants Protection Up which is based on Max Health. Keeping this team thick and able to sustain a lot of hits is going to be key to the Hutt Cartel’s effectiveness, so put a high emphasis on Health and do not shy away from added Defense and Protection as well. Tenacity is going to be important to keep debuffs off of Jabba. He is a high Tenacity character already, coming in at a base stat of 104% Tenacity at Gear 13, but enhancing this through mod secondary stats will only make him more effective. While a plus mod with a Tenacity primary should be considered, it comes down to your own mod inventory.

In-game Mod Recommendations: Speed & Health. No surprise here and I am in complete agreement. I could see where a Tenacity or Potency set replaces Health if you have the right secondary stats, but this is situational and you would have to have a near-perfect mod set to make this happen.


Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Jabba the Hutt:

The “ideal mod setup” can be interpreted a few different ways. If you target Speed, Potency, Health and Tenacity through the mods you should be able to maximize Jabba the Hutt’s kit nicely. While I am suggesting a Speed and a Health set, I could see where a Tenacity or Potency set replaces Health if you have the right secondary stats. Here are my recommendations for the best mods for Jabba the Hutt:

  • Transmitter (Square) – Speed mod with offense primary and a secondary focus on speed, health, potency and tenacity
  • Receiver (Arrow) – Speed mod with speed primary and a secondary focus on health, potency, tenacity and defense or protection
  • Processor (Diamond) – Speed mod with defense primary and a secondary focus on speed, potency, health and tenacity
  • Holo-Array (Triangle) – Health/Potency/Tenacity mod with health primary and a secondary focus on speed, potency, health and tenacity
  • Data-Bus (Circle) – Speed mod with health primary and a secondary focus on speed, potency, tenacity and health
  • Multiplexer (Plus) – Health/Potency/Tenacity mod with health, tenacity or potency primary and a secondary focus on speed, health, potency and tenacity or protection


Image Credits: EA Capital Games & SWGoH.gg

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