In a surprising move by EA, Captain Phasma was announced as the September daily login character for SWGoH. Speculation around the character login being from the upcoming Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi movie was logical given September 2016’s daily login toon was Scarif Rebel Pathfinder, but with the launch of the new game mode Territory Battles, Captain Phasma seems a rather odd choice. Territory Battles – Hoth focuses on Light Side characters and Rebels in particular and several Empire characters have been seen in videos and photos as the enemies we will all face. However, the choice to have a character who has been Free To Play since day one of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes as the daily login is a borderline waste for a large percentage of players in the game today. Add the fact that Phasma is a Dark Side character and a First Order character – a faction that is long overdue for new blood (which is sure to come) – and the move is even more perplexing.
To justify the move (slightly), the new canon Star Wars novel Phasma (which we will review on the site in a month or so) is set for release on September 1st, however this hardly seems to be enough to overrule the facts listed above.
“EA is clearly trying to cash in on Game Of Thrones popularity by offering Phasma this month! They hope we will feel like we are farming Brienne of Tarth,” stated Kaki, a Guild Leader and long-time SWGoH player. Andy (@AndyHagarVO on Twitter) added, “Just when you thought CG might actually throw you a bone, given the largest update in game history, you were wrong….again. We’ve just learned you’ll be receiving a kick to the junk in the form of shard shop currency for the month of September, instead of shard scraps for something useful.”
Belkie Bitterleaf, @belkiebitterlea on Twitter commented, quite logically, “Hoth rebel soldier might have been more useful for TB tho.” Added Danilo Papais (@Danilo_Papais), “in my case Hera would have been great,” which also makes a lot of since given the need for Star Wars Rebels Phoenix toons at 6-stars in advanced areas of the Territory Battles – Hoth battlefield.
In an effort to not just complain, but to offer solutions, a list of more logical characters would include the following:
- Hoth Rebel Scout
- Hoth Rebel Soldier
- Hera Syndulla
- Sabine Wren
- Ezra Bridger
- Chopper (C1-10P)
- Kanan Jarrus
- Zeb Orrelios
- Cassian Andor
- Jyn Erso
- K-2SO
- Bodhi Rook
- anyone else that is on the Light Side and not a FTP character
Baze Malbus and Chirrut Imwe are not included in the (long) list above simply because the are seen as “premium” characters.
So have fun SWGoH fans. 70% of you are getting more Shard Shop, err Shard STORE, currency this month which you can then trade in at 10 cents on the dollar for gear or another character’s shards.