Welcome to the best mods for Tarfful – the latest article in our series about the popular game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where we take a look at the best mod sets & stats for each SWGoH character. While I do not claim to have all of the answers in this game, I do my research and have used every character I write about extensively. These are mod recommendations and they are certainly not the only option. However we look to help players maximize their characters in SWGoH and we are always open to feedback if you have a mod setup that works well of your gameplay.
Today’s character to review mods for will be Tarfful, the 4th of 5 new characters leading up to the release of Jedi Survivor. A wookie chieftain, Tarfful was first seen in Episode III on Kashyyyk, and later appears in canon in Jedi Fallen Order. Let’s take a look at which mods are best suited and which stats we want to enhance for Tarfful in Galaxy of Heroes.
Main Focus: Tarfful comes in tied for 9th overall, not counting the 7 Galactic Legends, with a base Speed of 189. For now, boosting Tarfful’s Speed appears to be important, but I am suggesting you do so without a Speed set and instead use really strong Health and Defense mods with high Speed secondary stats.
Additional Areas to Focus: Defense, Health, Potency & Tenacity. Tarfful has offensive stats that are pretty middle-of-the-road, but on the defensive side, his Max Health is in the Top 25, his base Protection is 8th overall, his Armor and Resistance are average and his Tenacity is above average. Looking at his kit, he gains Protection Up on his basic and gains +10% Max Health on his Rrruuuurrr special, plus his leadership significantly boosts Wookie allies’ Defense and Health. As a result go heavy on Health gains and tag along high Defense as well as Tarfful grants Wookie allies “Offense equal to 200% of their Defense” at the start of each other turns. Adding some Potency and Tenacity will help him as well, but focusing on Defense, Health and Speed is key.
In-game Mod Recommendations: Health & Defense. No disagreement here – everything we mentioned above fits this recommendation by the devs.
Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Tarfful:
Tarfful is a strong character and will be vital to making Wookies relevant in SWGoH, the real question is just how relevant they will become outside of the Rise of the Empire Territory Battle. As I look at Tarfful’s stats and kit, I recommend the following mod approach:
- Transmitter (Square) – Defense mod with a primary focus on offense and a secondary focus on defense, speed, potency and health
- Receiver (Arrow) – Defense mod with a primary focus on speed and a secondary focus on defense, health, potency and tenacity
- Processor (Diamond) – Health mod with a primary focus on defense and a secondary focus on defense, speed, health and tenacity or potency
- Holo-Array (Triangle) – Defense mod with a primary focus on defense or health and a secondary focus on speed, defense, health and tenacity or potency
- Data-Bus (Circle) – Defense mod with a primary focus on health and a secondary focus on speed, defense, health and tenacity or potency
- Multiplexer (Plus) – Health mod with a primary focus on defense or health and a secondary focus on speed, defense, health and tenacity or potency
Image Credits: SWGOH.gg & EA Capital Games