Coming to in 2019: Harry Potter Wizards Unite

Harry Potter Wizards Unite

The staff at often gets the question “why don’t you cover this game?” Usually in reference to Fortnight or some other trendy game on a console or mobile device, the answer is always the same – we need to have the staff to properly put in the required effort.

One game that we have already had plans to cover for a year now is Harry Potter Wizards Unite. With multiple hardcore Harry Potter fans on our staff already, myself (LJ) and Senior Staff Writer Kaitco have already made the commitment to put in the time to learn the game and share our learnings with the gaming community. While the release date is still unknown, HPWU is expected to be released in early 2019 and email sign-ups for game notifications have begun on their Website.

Once HPWU is released we will begin to start covering the game in-depth here at Until then, happy holidays!

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