HPWU: Complete 3 Wizarding Challenges With 3 Teammates – Working As Intended?

HPWU - SOS Assignment 15 - 3 Teammates

One of the enjoyable aspects of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is working to complete the Statute Of Secrecy (SOS) Assignments. Of course, as you advance these SOS Assignments tend to be more and more difficult, and while none cause as many headaches as SOS #12 requiring players to fight Formidable Pixies in Fortress battles, however it seems that players farther along have come across a rival to the Formidable Pixies. SOS Assignment #15 reads “Complete 3 Wizarding Challenges With 3 Teammates,” which is challenging in its own right, but players across the globe are reporting that it is not WAI (Working As Intended). This post on Reddit confirmed what two members of my family has already experienced – severe inconsistencies and a lack of real definition of “3 Teammates.”

As I read this, a player needs to fight in a Fortress battle that involves 4 total players, and, given the way Formidable Pixies do not include Elite Formidable Pixies, I would expect a total of 5 players to NOT work. In addition, as you will see in my example, a group of 3 total players should NOT satisfy this task based on how I read it.

Here are the specifics on what we have experienced in my family, and we will look to keep this updated to show as much data as possible. Note that all three of us ARE in the same house in the game.

Day 1

  • Fortress battles fought with 3 total players – 3
  • Fortress battles fought with 4 total players – 0
  • Fortress battles fought with 5 total players – 0

As you can see we fought 3 total Fortress battles with 3 total players. While one was not on SOS #15 yet (he got his Doxies this morning), the other two players were on SOS #15 and both of us got credit for a single battle on the SOS Assignment. We theorized that the first person in the Fortress battle was getting credit and the others were not, but after this worked out the first two times we battled in the Fortress, it did not hold true for the 3rd battle.

Our plan is to go out and fight several Fortress battles this evening worked out – here is what happened:

Day 2

  • Fortress battles fought with 3 total players – 9
  • Fortress battles fought with 4 total players – 0
  • Fortress battles fought with 5 total players – 0

Day 2 made it clear how this works for the Wizarding Challenges with Teammates – one of the 3 players in the battle will get credit for the battle and it appears to be randomly decided. My family went out and fought 9 battles in Fortresses this evening with each of us getting credit for a single Wizarding Challenge one at a time. At no point did we ever fight and more than one of us got credit for the battle. After 5 battles, two of the three had completed the SOS Assignment task while we had to fight 4 more times before the final battle was credited all 3 of us. As a result it appears that a random player gets the credit for the Wizarding Challenge each time you have 3 players fighting at once.

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